Saturday, February 8, 2014

No Gays in Sochi?

I didn't want my first post to be too controversial but I guess there's no helping it. In the Recent winter Olympics in Russia Vladimir Putin passed a law stating that there will be severe penalties to those that promote homosexuality in the Olympics. Now this did not sit well for many people. But then he said something worse, the athletics would be safe he just didn't want them "touching kids". I'm not sure how informed the President of Russia is but last time I checked there is a huge difference between homosexuality and pedophilia. I'm proud to sat that the internet has rallied around in protest. The Google Doodle a few days ago had a gay pride flag as it's backdrop and even a quote about equality. Many have even chosen to boycott it. But my personal favorite is this picture Gays not allowed      

Edit: I am very very upset at the LGBT community. Two words Clare Balding. Who is she? A proud lesbian who is a reporter at the Sochi Olympics.  Rather than just boycotting the Olympics like the rest, she decided to be brave and do her job. The LGBT community considers her a "sell out" for advocating the Russian Olympics. Rather than backing their own they're throwing her to the wolves.   

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